29 November 2013

21 yEaRs oLd

at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Well, firstly.......

Thank you so much for birthday surprise... frankly, i never expect it (since i already said i don't want any surprise =.=)...huhu...the cakes, the gift, its beautiful...im so thrilled and so thankful for having such a nice and sweet housemates :).. 

And for my classmates, thank you for the cakes.. although that day was our DINNER event...haha....such a nice memories when together celebrate Novembers birthday girls... Oops! No more girls, but ladies.. ha-ha....

For all my friends, thank you for the wishing and hopefully our friendship still remains until the end of time :)
kamsahamida!!! hehehehe

Oh! Almost forgot.... thank you to you too GOOGLE!! haha

p/s: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those who celebrates their birthday in NOVEMBER too ;)

sEManGat sEjaTi

at 3:09 PM 0 comments

Semangat Sejati???

Don't you ever wonder about that dear because it is obvious and supposedly the answer is your parents.... Don't pending and don' ask why, but ask how to carve a broad smile on their faces.... Once in your life, you be given this precious gift; a gift that always be there for you, a gift that always pray for the best for you to face the world which full of bitter... I am a human being... I admit I made mistakes too... And what we should do? Yes, dear... Ask for their forgiveness and blessings... A reminder for me (for sure!) and you too....

p/s: ich vermisse dich so sehr mama babah!!! 

12 November 2013

intERviEW tiPS

at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Hye Readers :)

well, saja happy nuc share interview tips with all of you....tips ini, saya dapat time LDK Part5 Diploma...semoga dapat membantu untuk temuduga anda nanti ae....hakuna matata!

"maafkan saya tuan, saya kurang pasti dengan soalan yang ditujukan, saya mohon agar diajukan soalan yang seterusnya"


p/s: apa-apa pun, jangan "over act" ea...behave yourself dan banyakkan istighfar..insyaAllah, semuannya akan lancar...!!! ;)

05 November 2013

an EXtOrtiOnatE dREamS

at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Note: An Extortionate Dream (Hazlyn, 2013)

Dear reciter…
Do you have a dream?
i have mine…
What's yours?
Does it exotic
or explicit?

Iff i got an exquisite moment in reality
Iff i got an extraordinary moment in reality
Does it still be count as dreams?

You know…
My exertion still not enough
Its still exiguous
Sometimes i exhale for something
Sometimes i exhaust for something
Supposedly, i exterminate it right?

You know…
i don’t want any extol
i just love being exult
i just love trying excel
i just love collecting experience
just because
i want to see my world extensively
In the middle of exhilaration of my familia

31 October 2013

REnUnGan 18

at 2:25 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

REnUnGan 17

at 2:23 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

09 October 2013

raPaT daLam kEjaUHan

at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Jika kita kehilangan harta kesayangan,
Apakah keberangkalian ia akan kembali?
Jika keajaiban itu ada,
Berapa lama kita kena tunggu ia berlaku?

Seumur hidup ini
Kita hanya sibuk mengejar kebahagiaan
Kita tidak pernah sedar bahawa
Cinta yang paling jauh dan cinta yang paling dekat
Sebenarnya berada hampir dengan kita...

07 October 2013


at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Segala puji bagi Allah
Tuhan semesta alam
Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Yang Menguasai Hari Pembalasan
Hanya kepadaMu Ya Allah 
Kami menyembahMu Ya Allah
Hanya kepadaMu 
Kami mohon pertolongan
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus
iaitu jalan orang-orang yang 
Kau kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka
bukan jalan mereka yang dimurkai
dan bukan pula jalan
mereka yang sesat

p/s: Lagu pengertian surah Al-Fatihah ini selalu dinyanyikan oleh murid-murid Sekolah Kebangsaan Tun Teja (SKTT) Rawang, Selangor ketika pengalaman saya bekerja sebagai guru ganti bahasa inggeris di SKTT. Missing all of them so badly!!! ;')

REnUnGan 16

at 10:48 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

04 October 2013

BiCaRa haTi yaNG LUka

at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Note: Bicara Hati Yang Luka by Lisa (1985).

Kadang-kala aku termenung
Meraihkan hari-hari yang luka
Hati yang kering Dek peristiwa yang lalu
Mengapa Ya?

Kau tak megerti
Hati ini tetap menangis
Enggan ku katakan padamu
Ia pernah menangis
Hari-hari yang berlari pantas

Hati ini pernah mencari
Tentang erti kehidupan
Tentang erti keseorangan
Tentang erti kehargaan
Tentang erti kebahagiaan

Kini biar-biarlah dulu
Hatiku memendam derita
Suatu masa kau tahu juga
Hatiku yang luka

26 September 2013

miSsiNG yOu

at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Rindu itu ada dua sebab, kerana sayang atau kerana benci; but it’s a nice feeling when you know that someone loves you, someone misses you, someone needs you, but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets you...

That is Me!

aPpLE trEE

at 9:39 PM 0 comments
...bagi saya...
...awak ialah pokok epal...
...pokok epal ada banyak...
...saya hanya pilih satu sahaja pokok epal...
...dalam satu pokok epal itu...
....saya boleh dapat banyak buahnya…
...kenapa perlu saya pergi kepada pokok epal yang lain....
...saya boleh dapat banyak buah dari pokok epal yang saya pilih...
...sebab itu lah...
...saya takkan pernah pergi cari pokok epal yang lain...

wOrLd’s oF minD

at 8:34 PM 0 comments
The greatest asset >>> Faith
The most beautiful attire >>> Smile
The most dangerous act >>> Gossip
The deadliest weapon >>> The tongue
The most contagious spirit >>> Mother
The worst thing to be without >>> Hope
The greatest natural resources >>> Youth
The most prized possession >>> Integrity
The most worthless emotion >>> Self-pity
The ugliest personality trait >>> Selfishness
The greatest problem to overcome >>> Fear
The most satisfying work >>> Helping others
The most crippling failure disease >>> Excuses
The two most power-filled works >>> “I Can”
The world’s most incredible computer >>> Brain
The most effective sleeping pill >>> Peace of mind
The greatest “shot in the arm” >>> Encouragement
The most endangered species >>> Dedicated leaders
The most powerful channel of communication >>> Prayer

24 September 2013

REnUnGan 15

at 8:58 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

20 September 2013


at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Note: LOVE by Lisa (01.02.1984).

LOVE is exciting
And so are the roses
On a birthday
It is so dangerous

I also have some feeling
About LOVE
But sometimes
I wonder
Where I belong
In the future
Or, In the past
I guess I'm just
A girl of sixteen.


at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Note: Pengertian by Lisa (09.02.1985).

Kini aku mengerti
Kehidupan ini
Tidaklah semudah yang ku sangka
Segala derita dan cabaran
Yang selama ini ku alami
Mengajarku tentang kehidupan.

31 August 2013

pAnTUn MaLaYSia

at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Pondok dibina bersama jati,
Untuk teduhan si anak tani,
Jiwa dan raga bersatu hati,
Demi malaysiaku indah harmoni.

Duduk bersimpuh di atas bangku,
Makan bersama buah ciku,
Malaysia tanah tumpah darahku,
Malaysia tetap dihatiku.

REnUnGan 14

at 11:06 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

30 August 2013

waLking in a dREam LanD

at 10:00 PM 0 comments
I walk upon this lovely land
The land of my dream
And yet I still remember my land
A land that haunts my dream

Di bumi ini aku mencari sebuah erti
erti sebuah kehidupan
di bumi sana aku diberi erti
permulaan sebuah kehidupan

Walking upon this land
I remember my own land
I long to be home, on my land
I long to be in Malaysia, my homeland

Hati ku resah di sini
sentiasa saja terkenangkan pertiwi
hati ku bukan di sini
sentiasa di sana, di pertiwi

p/s: dwibahasa poems (Hazlyn, 2008)

14 August 2013

REnUnGan 13

at 11:04 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

11 August 2013


at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Berdiri megah si pokok palma,
Di tanam rapi di tepi kali;
Ramadhan menghilang Syawal menjelma,
Moga bertemu Ramadhan kembali.

Manis si ayu memakai suasa,
Manis tersenyum menerbit cinta;
Salah silap terkasar bahasa,
Mohon ampun maaf dipinta.

Singgahsana dicipta sungguh indah,
Tempat menginap si duhai putri;
Salam Syawal Salam yang indah,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

p/s: mkn uh jgn melantak thu...t sket, x dpt beraye..hehe...pose sunat jgn lupe naa...leyh tmbh pahala :)

24 July 2013

REnUnGan 12

at 6:49 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

18 July 2013

tRy iT OuT

at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Rules: you must say it as fast as lightning...geee.....all the best!!! 

1st Sentence
         Peter pipe picked a peck of picked pepper A peck of picked pepper peter pipe picked If peter pipe picked a peck of picked pepper where does the peck of picked pepper peter pipe picked.

2nd Sentence
          Betty bought a bit of butter, but the bit of butter Betty bought was bitten so Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bit of bitter butter better.

p/s: please, leave a comment after you try it ;) HAKUNA MATATA! B)

16 July 2013

mEnGaPa maWaRkU

at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Note: Mengapa Mawarku by Lisa (1985).

Mengapa mawarku
Tidak seindah kemboja mama
Sedangkan kami
Di taman yang sama

Kini ku mengerti
Mawarku tidak mewangi
Di taman sendiri
Sujudku tidak sungguh

Ampunkanlah diriku
Dalam Syahdu
Izinkan ku meminta Redhamu
Berikan ku wajah Nur Iman
Yang Soleha.

13 July 2013


at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Terkejut beruk terkena jerkah,
Sengaja bergurau oleh si atan;
Ramadhan tiba penuh barakah,
Moga amalan penuh keberkatan.

Menari-nari si anak mala.
Menari sehingga matahari naik;
Amalan mulia mengumpul pahala,
Agar Ramadhan menjadi yang terbaik.

p/s: pose bgy penuh naa thon nier...n jgn lupe tingktkn ibadah..jdilah yg lbeyh baex dri smlm :)

01 July 2013

REnUnGan 11

at 10:30 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

30 June 2013

REnUnGan 10

at 12:15 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

17 June 2013

hAPpy biRtHDay

at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Hye bufday boy...
Wishing you only the best on your special day...
Let happiness reach your eyes, enthusiasm reach your smile and success reach your life...
I really hope that your birthday is fun as much as you are...
To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world....

ich liebe dich! 
ich vermisse dich!

08 June 2013

REnUnGan 09

at 2:53 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

27 May 2013

REnUnGan 08

at 6:52 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

21 May 2013

cOnvOcATiOn mOmEntO ~~

at 11:00 PM 0 comments

Finally...... Graduated! hehehe.... There's no words I can arrange or describe for this moment... unforgetable, unbelievable, undeniable, unexpectable, un..blebleblebleeeee.... hahaha...everything was awesome and superb even though it is tiring day la an...huhu....especially for mama and babah....this is my gift for you....and for my siblings, this is a zest for you to never give up in your life and be better than me... Understood??? Billions thank you to all my lecturers.. Thank you so much for your guidance and advice... I'll always remember it! And also just a joyful thanks to all my friends who always helped and give me a support in going through the diploma's years in UiTM Perak...love everyone so much!!!!

p/s: i wish my idols where there.. :( Al-fatihah...Amin...

15 May 2013

REnUnGan 07

at 2:21 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

02 May 2013

a LEttEr fOr yOu

at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Dear You,

             You may not be her first, her last, or her onlyshe loved before she may love againbut if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect-you aren't either and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, accept you without doubt, cause you to think twice and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can…
               Well, she may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break-her heart….thus, please don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can givesmile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad and miss her when she’s not therebecause it is you that always be in her heartalways and forever…..

Doctor Smiley     

28 April 2013

Mid-Term BrEaK

at 4:00 AM 0 comments

Break is like taking a bread with full of sauces, mayonise, added with creamy eggs and sat in front of TV throughout the day….

hey! ASSIGNMENT!!???
Huh???? What’s that? Is it important?? 
I’m doom =.= !!
HELLO LYN!!! It is important ok!!! 

Wake up la! It’s only two weeks…not forever…ayoooo……it’s already been a week but not a single assignment i have done….erghhhhh
!!! What’s wrong with me…!!!! The laziness is haunted me for the whole week and it may be spread for the next week….aigooooo!!!!! I really need to take a chill pill and relax and…hazlyn, chillax!!!! There’s still time to do the assignment….huhu….this is the consequences of having a break…huhu….but…the benefit are…a lot! I spent a lot of time with my family…im helping my babah as always….went to Perlis for three days….watching movies with my bff….hehehe…can’t wait more for break!!!

p/s:  dont forget the assignment laaa hazlyn!!! ><

25 April 2013

spEciaL giFt

at 9:00 PM 0 comments

how sweet……
a gift from my sister, atyqah.....
especially from Johor Darul Takzim....
you know what yqa, 
it is so precious so much for me!!!!
thank you so much!!!! 
kakak sayang awk!!!!

p/s: kakak harap awk suke baju yang kakak beli kt awk....hehehe

14 April 2013

cOminG hOmE

at 1:52 AM 0 comments
This Thursday I’ll be home! Wait for me!!! hehecan’t wait to be home soonthis is my 1st mid-term break since 1st Marchhuhui wanna hug my family….miss them much!!!..hohobut of course la, I will buy a lot of assignments also…..PTPTN pun perlu diselesaikan…..huhu..and before boleh balik, the whole week, kena la berhadapan dengan test, quiz and presentation….alahai.inilah lumrah jadi student kan..haha..redha sajoohaha…..so, wish me luck for this week journey…. =.=

P/s: for sure ada presents from t’gganu for my family….a lot! Hehehe

13 April 2013


at 2:30 AM 0 comments
tadaaaa…..!!! This is what we called creative and innovative….hehehe….

This piece of work already hangs up in our home… hehehe….that polystyrene, daripada kotak mesin basuh kami yang baru dan decorations, kami main tampal sajoo...hahaha.kami buat kerja kreatif ini, in the middle of nighthohosebab tak boleh tidur lahahaha...btw, we are so happy of the resultcantik sangat!! Hahahappy gila bila gantung this frame kat dinding rumah….nampak lawa.kawan-kawan yang datang rumah, semua puji..hehehegee..tengss...hohothat frame, means a lot to us….it’s not just a picture frame but it’s also show our unforgettable moments together.. ;)

p/s: d' problem is, x thu mcmane nuc divide frame uh ble dh hbes degree thahaha…  dizzy =.=

11 April 2013


at 1:00 PM 0 comments

Huhu…nombor giliran dah keluar....hehe…wahh....really can’t wait....and hari itu saja la nak gather up, jumpa semula dengan semua kawan-kawan diploma.. Ya Allah..rindu gila dengan kawan-kawan diploma…….!!!

well, it’s like my dreams will come true...hehehe.and the greatest excitement for me is seeing my family faces, especially my babah and my mama, smiling all the time….i just wanna make something that my family will be proud of meand this is it! my second present for them who always beside me and guide me to be a better person in life....buta lot of work to do.... ghouls! Convocation day nearby, and  I still got a thing to catch up and need to solve.... 

Thus, wish me luck  and may your dreams also will come true..HAKUNA MATATA!!! ;)

p/s: convo bulan may...jadi kena la sabar menunggu hari uh...huhu

10 April 2013

REnUnGan 06

at 6:00 PM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

09 April 2013

REnUnGan 05

at 10:30 PM 0 comments

^_^  Secreto De Yrtif

REnUnGan 04

at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Advice from MAMA ;)

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

07 April 2013

REnUnGan 03

at 9:58 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

SyStEm THinKinG

at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Hye friends! I just want to share with you what I had learned from my class today… it is very interestingwe be taught about system thinkingsowhat is system thinking? Generally, system thinking can be thought of as a language for communicating about complexities, and interdependencies… it’s like a behavior modeling…

What I want to say here is system thinking is a tool that you can apply not just for the system, but also in your daily life… as for the system you need to consider and review a lot of aspects and perspective before you develop a system or upgrade the systemif not it will lead to miscommunication…. Seem like life, right? 


Did you get the picture? Or still buzzing? Language of system thinking is more circular rather than linear… same as language of living things… what you gives, you get backtrust me! It’s habitual for humanity..this is because the world by itself is dynamic, complex and interconnected nature…

Therefore, as human, we need to always look up upon our behavior and always consider and research and upgrade and improve our weaknesses to become a better person in the future…

p/s: sure it’s hard dear, but, when there's a will there's a wayHakuna Matata! ;)

06 April 2013

REnUnGan 02

at 8:24 AM 0 comments

^_^ Secreto De Yrtif

05 April 2013

UiTM : Satu Noumena

at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Elus angin sore
gema bunyinya menggetar jisim
dikejat kedinginan yang lencun
berserta kabus yang meratah marca alam
menyapa lembut sekujur tubuh longlai
anak watan yang bahunya punya bebanan
matanya melingkar seantero alam
dia mencipta pelbagai takwilan
dia melahirkan bermacam hermeneutik
yang melingkari persoalan tentang pengertian

Dalam kenanaran yang menggarisi ruang-ruang pencariannya

dia mula mencari
            bumi untuk dipijak
            langit untuk dijunjung
            pelangi untuk dilihat
maka tika inilah
kau… menjadi satu noumena

Bagi kau

tiada yang mungkin selagi mampu
mutlaknya usaha dan tawakal
menggonggong semangat
mengongkong pendirian
aksioma yang mengatur tindakannya
autonomi yang mengatur penghormatannya
dan kau
memimpin tangan tubuh longlai itu bagi mencipta
            satu garisan hidup
            satu garisan hati
yang menjadi titik noktah
untuk keperibadiannya keilmuannya
demi sebuah kehidupannya

Terima kasih, UiTM…

(Hazlyn, 12.12.2012)

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